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Donate Now

Choose Life America, Inc. is an IRC 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.  100% of funds received are used to promote the Choose Life License Plate effort around the USA which has raised $28 million to save babies lives. Please consider supporting us. Everyone is a volunteer, no salaries are paid to anyone. Funds from the sale of the each state's Choose Life plate go to support Pregnancy Resource Centers, Maternity Homes and non-profit adoption agencies in those states.
Donate By Check:
Make your check out to Choose Life America, Inc. and mail to the following address:

     Choose Life America, Inc. 
    PO Box 830152
    Ocala, FL 34483-0152  


Donate by Credit Card Online

If you have any difficulty or questions, please call Russ Amerling, President & National Publicity Coordinator for the national Choose Life license plate, toll free 877 454-1203.

Updated 2-27-2019