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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where did the Choose Life specialty plate concept originate?

County Commissioner Randy Harris initiated the effort in 1997 in Ocala, Florida.

2. Why did Choose Life sponsor this bill?

This endeavor promotes and financially supports adoption by helping crisis pregnancy centers, maternity homes, adoption agencies, and adoption-minded pregnant mothers with their prenatal and delivery expenses, temporary housing, transportation, utility bills, food, maternity clothing and similar expenses of infants until placed with an adoptive family.

3. How much money do you expect to raise?

Naturally, this will depend on the number of pople who choose this specialty plate. In January 2011 the total sales for the Choose Life license plate in the 24 states that have the plate passed $14 million.

4. Why not use a bumper sticker to raise funds for this cause?

The specialty license plate creates a revenue stream to the sponsoring organizations, as each time the plate is renewed, the fee is added to the plate and goes to the cause. State specialty plates support a wide variety of casues, such as state parks, pet overpopulation, education, ports teams, educational institutions and many mores. It is disingenuous to disallow the same opportunity to Choose Life supporters.

5. Are law enforcement agencies complaining about the proliferation of specialty license plates.

Specialty plates have been in existence for a very long times. If states beleive there are too many specialty plate, we suggest they set up a procedure whereby only the most popular plates are allowed to survive and termnate those that sell less than a certain number of plates yearly.

Choose Life America, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. © Copyright 2012 Choose Life America, Inc.

Updated 9-11-2018